The national Climate Prediction Center (CPC) has released its short-term outlook for October. The precipitation outlook for Kansas is basically neutral. Chances are equally likely for above-normal, normal, or below-normal precipitation. In Kansas there is a very steep gradient west to east for October precipitation. In extreme west central Kansas the normal October precipitation is as little as an inch. In southeast Kansas, the normal precipitation is as high as 4.31 inches.

The CPC temperature outlook for October is also basically neutral across the state. The exception is western Kansas, where the outlook calls for a greater chance of below-normal temperatures for the month. As with precipitation, there is a steep gradient across the state, although with more of a north-south trend. In extreme northwest Kansas the normal mean temperature for October is as cool as 49 degrees F. Along the Oklahoma border in south central and southeast Kansas the mean temperature is as warm as 59 degrees F.

Remember, these are outlooks and are for the entire month. Significant departures can occur on any given day, and no outlook is perfect.
Mary Knapp, Weather Data Library