Thanksgiving storms have long been a part of Kansas folklore. Around here, November can shift within hours from mild fall weather to extremely intense winter conditions. For example, one of our notable November storms lasted from the 25th to the 27th in 1983. Heavy snow, ice and high winds closed down everything from Denver to Minneapolis – including the airports and interstates. Many Thanksgiving travelers were stranded, far from their destination. More recently, a 1996 storm also brought late November snow and ice to much of Kansas. But, surprisingly, the southeast was particularly hard-hit, with up to a quarter of an inch of ice on streets, trees and power lines. It was dangerous, and it was a mess. Fortunately, this Thanksgiving is expected to be a much milder holiday. Nowadays, though, more winter deaths are caused by traffic accidents than by exposure to the cold, so be careful out there.

Mary Knapp, Weather Data Library