November 24, 1992 marked the start of one of the snowiest winters with major winter storm and blizzard. The storm developed in the Texas Panhandle on the 23rd and moved into central Oklahoma and Southwest Kansas on the 24th. Snowfall amounts ranged from 17 inches at Liberal to 15 inches at Garden City and Dodge City. Dodge City saw over sixty inches of snow for the 92-93 season, with almost continuous cover through March. As a result of the November 24th storm most roads and highways in the Garden City, Dodge City, Meade, Greensburg, Coldwater, and Liberal areas were closed with snowdrifts of two to five feet. Snowdrifts as high as 15 feet were reported in the Hugoton area. Two fatalities resulted from this snowstorm and estimates from area farmers and feed lot owners indicated that as many as 5,000 head of cattle may have perished as well.

Mary Knapp, Weather Data Library