Winter weather has persisted in Kansas this year. As we look forward to more spring-like conditions, we might want to remember the winter of 1992-1993. On March 12, 1993 Dodge City recorded the last measureable snowfall of the season. It brought the 92-93 seasonal total to 61.1 inches, which is a record amount. But that wasn’t the greatest total achieved that winter. The National Weather Service COOP station located northeast of Ransom reported a whopping 117 inches! There were more than 20 stations that had at least 60 inches during the season. The amounts weren’t the only issue. In many cases the snow remained on the ground for extend periods of time, unlike most seasons where it melts quickly. Hays, KS reported a least an inch of snow on the ground from November 23, 1992 through March 7th, 1993 – an incredible 104 days!

Mary Knapp, Weather Data Library